WELCOME - here's a place to talk about reading good books, the love of Yorkshire terrierists, enjoying Nebraska Cornhusker Football and whatever else comes up...
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Rain, Rain, Go Away...
Even with rain, we enjoyed our camping trip - spent a lot of time in the camper watching movies, but the spots of dryness in between were awesome! We went on some really beautiful ATV rides and enjoyed a few campfires, too. It was just good to get away for a bit!
The rain has been making the lawn grow way fast - and poor Tim hasn't been able to get it mowed yet! It is just about up to the ears of the Yorkies right now - ha! They don't like going out in the grass when it is wet, so there have been lots of "messes" on the patio (yuck).
And the rain seems to be planting weeds in my garden!! And they are fast fast growing weeds, too - I need to get out there and remove them if the rain ever stops. But, the good thing is I see lots of blooming things happening: 2 of my clematis vines have begun blooming (one burgundy, the other pale pink), blue iris blooming, blue & white columbine, and more. I'll get the camera going if I can find a sunny few minutes. Meanwhile, it is going to keep raining according to the weather guy.
Hope you are having sunny days!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Planting done!

Of course, I planted lots of petunias like always. Love those and they are so easy to take care of. Can't wait for my clematis vines to bloom - I see lots and lots of buds, so they should be stunning... I'll take pictures when the blessed event occurs.

Monday, May 19, 2008
Complaint day...
A little background on me and perimenopause. It started for me around 40 with painful & heavy cycles, mood swings, hot flashes, weight gain... the usual. I had an endometrial ablation procedure that worked wonderfully for 5 years!! Five years without monthly "stuff" or pain. But since Christmas there have been issues and occasional spotting. Yesterday, I spent most of the afternoon and evening in the fetal position fighting off the worst cramps I can remember... Lots of ibuprofen, heating pad sessions and a sleeping pill had everything easing around 2AM last night. Unfair!! Unfair! I thought this was all taken care of with the ablation, but evidently (according to my doctor) I have sprouted a few non-cancerous polyps which are causing this. And, she says that unless there are serious problems, there is nothing we can do about it. So I'm thinking that I just have to tough this out... And, it is making me a grouch. Looking for the silver lining here - my husband gave me a fabulous foot rub last night and has promised another when I get home from work today. I've got that going for me, which is NICE.
On a happier note, I only have to work 4 days this week as we are going camping for the Memorial Day holiday weekend and leave Thursday night!! (Becky, don't start thinking of all the preparation work you still have to do to get ready to leave - or the happy note will turn sour!)
So, now that I have gotten the rant out I'm sure I'll be feeling just dandy any minute now! Sorry for all the graphic detail -- LOL
Friday, May 16, 2008
The first full day of Invisalign....
- open bite
- over-bite
- very crooked lower front teeth
- mismatched molars/bite
The Invisalign solution is going to be less expensive for fixing the functional problems (rather than have traditional crowns, etc on the molars) with the added bonus of lovely straight teeth! And, I won't have to have a retainer afterwards, the dentist is going to install a permanent fixture to keep the teeth in place. My case requires 15 sets of trays, that are worn about 2 weeks each. Hopefully in less than a year, it will all be finished and my smile will be awesome.
I am attaching the little graphic that shows how my teeth will be changed. It is pretty cool!
Now that I'm done sounding like a commercial, I'll complain! My MOUTH hurts!!!! waaaaaahhhhh! I had braces on my upper teeth back in the day and evidently my threshold for pain was much high then - LOL. I keep popping Advil and I know that by tomorrow it should ease up, but wow - it's making me a major grouch. I feel a big pity party coming on with lots of whining and woe is me... good thing I can get lots of puppy love when I get home, that usually fixes me right up!!
A Sad post for birdies...
Well, the story took a tragic turn, when yesterday evening my husband found a Robin dead in the backyard. We weren't sure if it was the mama bird, what happened to her or how long she had been there. This morning, I checked and the baby birds were weakly chirping, but no mama bird was there, so I fear that the dead bird was indeed the mama bird. So, what to do....
My husband will get home from work today before I do, and I asked him to check things out and if the inevitable had occurred, to please remove the nest and remains before I arrive. I'm secretly hoping for a miracle and another mama bird to appear, but if you don't hear any more on this subject from me, then you'll know that my secret wish wasn't granted.
Here's hoping that this is the worst news you will receive today...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Mother's Day flower planting...

By the time I had finished, I'm not sure who was more filthy, Scooter or me!! Actually, I think it was Scooter - he looked like the bad little boy that ate all the chocolate cake - ha!

All three dogs will be ready to help me plant the rest of the annuals (maybe this next weekend)! It is great to see everything turning green and soon there will be lots of color, too!
Victor's Hogs N Horns ride...

This is my good friend, Bonnie! She is also a quilting pal, ATV enthusiast and camping gal.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The Pick of the Litter...

Tim commented to me that the Cushman Scooter seemed to be getting a lot more attention than the car, which he thought was very ODD! I

Monday, May 12, 2008
I forgot the cord...
So, I guess I'll just make a list of what is to come when I get my act together with camera, cord and computer all in one place:
- the Pick of the Litter! (Hotrod/Bike show to raise funds for the Humane Society)
- Before and After -
- Victor's Hogs N Horns Ride
- Flowers!!
I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day weekend! I sure did - the Wee Beasties (with the help of their Grandparents) gave me a gift certificate to Barnes & Nobles!! Awesome!! My husband took me to buy flowers to start filling my many pots and hanging baskets, so I spent yesterday morning up to my elbows in potting soil, flowers, empty pots and Scooter in the midst of it all. He was quite the "helper".
So - until I get that cord, that's it!!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
the Five Fuzz...
Five things found in your bag/purse:
kleenex (allergy season is here)
cell phone
needles for my Byetta pen
little black book
Five favorite things in your room:
it doesn't tell which room, so since I am in my cubicle, I'll do five favorite things in my cubicle!
candy dish
teddy bears
photo calendars (specially made by my sister & my mom)
Sweet Annie rag quilt hanging on the wall
Five things you have always wanted to do:
learn to ride a motorcycle (working on it)
visit Australia
see the Rolling Stones in concert
breed Yorkshire terriers
meet Harrison Ford
Five things you are currently into:
planting flowers
learning to make teddy bears
Then - you are supposed to "tag" five other people to do the same thing! But, I'm copying Sarah's idea that If you read it, You are tagged!!