Well - here is my quilt for the swap so far. Finished it should be 16"x16". I still have to sew around all the pieces that are fused for applique, find a cute button to be the center of the flower in the middle, then all that will be left is putting it together, quilting and binding! The hardest part (figuring out what I was going to do) is done I think. This is going to be for another person far away and I hope she will like it! The rules are to make a quilt between 16x16 and 20x20 with a summer theme... some swap partners mentioned special requests or preferences for style, color, etc. but my person didn't have any special things requested, so it was wide open. I thought this looked summery and bright - the colors aren't showing quite true in the picture, but when I finish it up hopefully I can get a more accurate photo. The green is more of an aqua green and the pink is brighter - it makes me happy to look at, so maybe I'll have to make one for myself, too - :)
Thanks for joining my quilters list! Your doggies are adorable!
Becky, that is spectacular! I love the design, the fabrics, the colors - everything! I'm always in awe of good appliqué work: I'm still just learning and am pretty bad at it! Any tips? ;-)
Awwwwwwwwwwwww so pwitty!
So luvly!
Becky must hav lots payshunce!!
Dilly like pink an gween an flowers... be perfik!
Lovely, but kindly edit off the Massachusetts part, as the recipient will know who it is likely intended for. Please let's help keep the secret :-)
This is gorgeous!!! Oh man. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog...
OH this is so pretty!!! You are very talent4d! Thank you for stopping by my blog! Very nice to meet you!
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